It’s that time of year when students are returning to school. But how about you?
Customer Success pros can always learn something new or refresh their skills. What about your knowledge of Digital Customer Success? You may be thinking, what is the difference between traditional CS and Digital CS?
Digital CS utilizes effective core components that allow your teams to scale without additional headcount or resources. And in an age where customer expectations are loftier than ever, CS teams have to rethink how to connect, support, and enable ALL of their customers (and not just the ones with high ARR). Here’s where digital-led CS and community come into the picture. Adopting this approach allows businesses to apply the right resources to the right customers and scale their CS organization other than adding headcount.
Commsor and Digital Hub course collaboration
Digital Hub, the only Customer Success Community platform for SaaS and subscription-based companies, partnered with Commsor’s C-School to bring you a self-paced curriculum to learn how to tie community and CS together. This learning platform helps companies and individuals use community and CS in tandem to acquire core knowledge while hitting developed vital metrics.
In this course, you’ll learn:
- What is Digital Customer Success?
- Aligning Community + Digital Strategy Goals
- Community Success Programs + Growth
- Measuring Impact of Community Success
Each chapter contains insights on subjects like aligning goals, retention, creating a customer community, and measuring the impact of community success specifically for Digital CS. You’ll also read real customer stories from Mixpanel and Pipefy, and have access to helpful podcasts, and training resources from Digital Hub.
There are key takeaways that you can keep in your back pocket as reminders of how best to serve a growing number of low-value accounts while also focusing their high-touch efforts on high-value, strategic accounts.
The impact of DCS on durable growth
One of our core beliefs at Gainsight is to be successful, everyone should start where they are. Small, consistent actions towards scaling your CS function will lead to big results. Even if you don’t have a strong community yet, or aren’t sure how to implement DCS strategies, this course is for you.
Each chapter of the course will introduce strategies that will impact key metrics today, and build durable growth for tomorrow. As CS and Community continue to evolve, and as the market continues to shift, efficient growth strategies will be the difference in companies that last. Set yourself and your entire organization up for lasting success by learning the fundamentals of driving CS through community.
Register for driving Customer Success through Community
Knowledge is pertinent to Success teams thriving by proactively reaching out to customers to find out what’s going well, what’s not, and where the business can fill the gap. With that understanding of the process, your CSMs serving digital customers can help them find value faster and scale while using their current resources and headcount.
For more information on Driving Customer Success Through Community, check out the free self-paced C-School course.