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Cost of Retention Calculator

Cost of Retention shows the amount spent on retention per customer on an annual basis. It’s important to keep in mind that when entering the…

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Net Promoter Score Calculator

Net Promoter Score (NPS) is a widely-used metric that measures and evaluates customer loyalty. Customers rank their likelihood of recommending your product or service on…

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Logo Retention Rate Calculator

Logo Retention is the ratio of renewed contracts to the amount of contracts with the potential to be renewed. This metric shows retention in terms…

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Expansion Percentage Calculator

How much are you expanding your existing customer base through upsell and cross-sell year-over-year or month-over-month? As a function of the Cost of Acquisition (CAC),…

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Gross Renewal Rate Calculator

This is the total value of contracts renewed minus contracts churned. The key difference between this number and Net Renewal Rate is that it does…

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Net Renewal Rate Calculator

This is the total value of contracts renewed and expanded, whether through upsell or cross-sell, minus contract value churned (includes down-sells). It’s the most fundamental…

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Customer Success Budgeting Template

Use this template to help itemize your budget requests for the next fiscal year.

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Valuation Calculator

Measure how your revenue and company valuation will grow with Gainsight.

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