In episode 15 of the Gainsight Gamechanger Podcast, Adam Joseph, Director of Customer Success, EMEA at Gainsight sits down with Shanta Bodhan, Customer Success Manager at SupplyShift and Sam Smith, Senior Customer Success Specialist at Linode.
Ep 15: Moving From The Back Office Into Customer Success
In Customer Success, we are finding that best CSMs have a diverse, and well-rounded background. They bring a mixed experience to the role that enables them to embrace a true empathetic partnership with the customer. However, there is a growing band of people who are moving from the back office from roles as varied as H.R., Finance, Engineering, Product Management and I.T. into the frontline of Customer Success.
Two of those individuals are Shanta Bodhan, Customer Success Manager at SupplyShift, and Sam Smith, Senior Customer Success Manager at Linode. Shanta began in Human Resources, while Sam came from a background in finance, and was an analyst. Like so many others, they found themselves “falling” into their true calling and profession.
In this podcast, Adam Joseph sits down with this small panel to discuss what strengths helped them transition into their roles, how empathy and a child-like perspective helped in understanding their customers, and the value of team-mate success. They also focus on issues of planning, thinking strategically and acting tactically, the importance of the right message to your customer, and advice to others thinking about transitioning into customer success.
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