Introducing Our New Book! Customer Communities: Engage and Retain Customers to Build the Future of Your Business Image

Introducing Our New Book! Customer Communities: Engage and Retain Customers to Build the Future of Your Business

In the dynamic landscape where the rules of business are continually evolving, the concept of community has undergone a transformation. Once seen as a support mechanism primarily for B2C enterprises, it’s now recognized as a pivotal strategy for fostering lasting success in B2B businesses and beyond. This redefinition has come with a fresh understanding—community isn’t just about metrics or member counts; it’s about driving tangible business value and enhancing the customer experience.

With this transformation in mind, Gainsight is thrilled to announce the official launch of Customer Communities: Engage and Retain Customers to Build the Future of Your Business, co-authored by Nick Mehta, CEO of Gainsight, and Robin Van Lieshout, Chief Strategy Officer at Gainsight—a book whose thesis lies at the heart of this paradigm shift.

Foreground: Robin Van Lieshout, Chief Strategy Officer, Gainsight. Background: Nick Mehta, CEO, Gainsight.

It’s a crucial read for anyone invested in the growth and resilience of their organization, spanning roles from Customer Success, Marketing, Support, and Product, to entrepreneurs, founders, and high-level executives seeking sustainable growth avenues.

Let’s take a closer look.

Navigating the Changing Community Landscape

This book is more than just a theoretical discourse; it’s a practical guidebook crafted to steer businesses towards cultivating vibrant, enduring communities that drive substantial and measurable growth. It unveils a roadmap, explaining how to seamlessly integrate a community into the heart of the Customer journey.

Community Evolution: From Support to Strategic Lever

Gainsight has redefined the role of community as not merely as a support function but as a crucial strategy within the Customer Success journey and a linchpin for establishing a durable business. 

Gainsight places community squarely at the heart of the Customer Success journey and the customer experience. It’s about driving real business results and significant value for the customer, moving beyond vanity metrics to create tangible impact.

Unveiling Key Principles for Community Building

In Customer Communities, the authors emphasize the fundamental principles underpinning successful community development, focusing not only on foundational laws but on practical, actionable strategies for any business looking to embark on this transformative journey.

Harnessing the Power of Community

The narrative transcends mere theoretical frameworks and delves into the practical aspects of fostering a successful community. 

From enabling companies to initiate community building at any stage, emphasizing the importance of compelling content, making community a company-wide strategy, to the necessity of driving tangible business outcomes—this book serves as a comprehensive guide to leveraging the power of community.

Embark on Your Community Journey

The launch of Customer Communities: Engage and Retain Customers to Build the Future of Your Business is a call to action. It’s an invitation for businesses to not just establish communities but to create vibrant ecosystems that drive meaningful business value. 

Ready to accelerate digital customer engagement and drive durable growth by building your own brand community?

For more guidance on cultivating your customer community and driving tangible results through community-building, schedule a demo today.