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Everything you need to know to launch, grow and maintain your own wildly successful B2B customer community A guide for customer success teams, product leaders…

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Scale human engagements without increasing headcount Gainsight allows you to build and manage a Pooled CSM Model so you can scale your personalized customer success…

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Learn how to implement durable growth strategies even in unreliable markets SaaS companies are experiencing an uncertain future right now. As CEO of Gainsight, Nick…

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Learn how to scale efficiently with CS strategies in an uncertain market. SaaS companies are facing a make-or-break moment right now. The era of “growth…

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Build a durable business that scales with digital customer success. Many companies are collectively facing a sink-or-swim moment, forced to do more with less. But…

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Business growth you can depend on, even in unpredictable markets In the past few years, SaaS companies followed a “growth at all costs” mindset. While…

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Gainsight’s Chief Customer Officer (CCO) Kellie Capote interviewed customer success leaders to get real-time, on-the-ground insights into what works—and what doesn’t. Based on Capote’s Gamechanger webinar…

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Everything you need to know about product experience and how it impacts your growth goals. The customer journey is an essential part of acquisition, expansion,…

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Build durable growth for your enterprise business with the right product analytics. Durable growth requires organizations to remove any possible surprises that might come from…

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Delivering exceptional customer experiences at scale requires the right customer insights. Stop gating reports and dashboards or burdening your admin with custom requests. Self-Service Analytics…

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5 Strategies for quickly evolving your new CS organization The Customer Success Index 2022 revealed that 95% of companies surveyed reported having a CS function…

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Automating value delivery with customer-centric business models Author and consultant Geoffrey Moore provides an illuminating history of customer success and its impact on the future…

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Improve your acquisition and expansion rates with product qualified leads (PQLs) Findings from The Product-Led Growth Index 2022 indicate that free trials using PQLs result…

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To get to the next level in business, you first need to know where you are. The secret to efficient growth lies in your product.…

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Durable growth relies on a data-driven product roadmap Product roadmaps are more than a list of upcoming features—they are a vision for the future of…

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Drive Growth with Customer Success Qualified Leads Customer Success teams are in a unique position to drive revenue growth. Companies that are focused on sustainable…

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Durable growth strategies are on every CS leader’s to-do list, which means everyone is trying to balance human capital, face-to-face engagements, digital-led strategies, and an…

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Learn how companies prioritize product-led growth models and track their success.

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Report shows 10 point disparity between User and Buyers NPS The Customer Success Index 2022 offered a wealth of interesting insights. Most importantly, it highlighted…

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AI-Driven Insights with Impact Analyzer Impact Analyzer is powered by Gainsight’s Horizon AI, the first and only Customer Success platform embedded with AI helping companies…

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Customer Success Managers need a tool to streamline their day-to-day customer management activities and enable them to maximize productivity. Gainsight Home provides CSMs with this…

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Learn why it’s necessary to empower and grow your CS Operations team Moving into post-pandemic times, the evidence of the benefit of CS automation, specifically…

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SaaS companies are doubling their investment in PLG. Here’s how to do that right. In the Product-Led Growth Index 2022, almost half of the companies…

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Cost of Retention shows the amount spent on retention per customer on an annual basis. It’s important to keep in mind that when entering the…

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Net Promoter Score (NPS) is a widely-used metric that measures and evaluates customer loyalty. Customers rank their likelihood of recommending your product or service on…

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Logo Retention is the ratio of renewed contracts to the amount of contracts with the potential to be renewed. This metric shows retention in terms…

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How much are you expanding your existing customer base through upsell and cross-sell year-over-year or month-over-month? As a function of the Cost of Acquisition (CAC),…

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This is the total value of contracts renewed minus contracts churned. The key difference between this number and Net Renewal Rate is that it does…

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This is the total value of contracts renewed and expanded, whether through upsell or cross-sell, minus contract value churned (includes down-sells). It’s the most fundamental…

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In this ebook, you will learn the value of a great product experience, the components necessary to deliver it, and best practices to align your…

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Explore the evolution of Customer Success over the last 10 years, including why today’s customer is in the driver’s seat.

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It’s Time to Make Your CS Team a Growth Driver According to the 2022 Customer Success Index, companies are starting to experiment with ways that…

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Learn how to align your teams seamlessly, from CS to Product to Sales to the C-suite It’s 2022 and 95% of companies Gainsight surveyed this…

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Implement faster with Gainsight’s new Configuration Wizard. Get started with the industry’s leading customer success platform, using a guided approach to: Connect & Sync Your…

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SaaS Companies Are Doubling Down on Product-Led Growth The data is clear! The Product-Led Growth Index 2022, a report from Gainsight, in partnership with RevOps…

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Learn how companies use CS to earn expansion opportunities and more.

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